=============== Getting Started =============== Where is Everything? ==================== The `specification `__ is the canonical source of information about the implementation-neutral parts of Mu. This tutorial will use `Holstein `__, the current reference implementation. Keep in mind that it is not high-performance. It is interpreted and single-threaded, does excessive checking and is very slow. Get Mu ====== Go to https://gitlab.anu.edu.au/mu/mu-impl-ref2 and follow the README file. That repository also contains a sample factorial program compiled from an RPython client and a loader to run it. Read the README file. Pick your language ================== The client of the reference implementation can be written in Scala or in C. If you use Scala, you can just use the classes in the ``microvm-refimpl2`` repository since the reference implementation is already written in Scala. If you use C, there is a C binding in the ``cbinding`` directory. Read the README file for instructions. There is also a sample client program ``test_client``. The following part of the tutorial assume you use Scala. Don't worry if you use C because the interface is quite similar. .. vim: tw=80